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The development of China's cold chain logistics industry faces three major problems

Release Time:2022-09-28

China's cold chain logistics started in the 1960s, mainly targeting meat, poultry and aquatic products. At that time, in order to ensure the market supply and adjust the low and peak seasons, large cold storages were built in major domestic producing areas and large cities, which were connected by railway refrigerated trucks and river refrigerated ships.

With the reform and opening up and economic development, supermarket chains appeared in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and other big cities in the mid-1990s. In order to sell all kinds of frozen and refrigerated food required by the market, supermarkets used a large number of advanced freezers; The configuration and improvement of retail terminal cold chain also accelerated the development, manufacturing and construction of equipment and technology in each link of the cold chain. At this time, the modern food cold chain in the true sense began to emerge and develop in China.

Development needs to face five major problems

Today, China's cold chain industry is making great strides with the support of policies. However, due to the late start, many industrial problems have not been completely solved, and there is still a big gap between China and the developed countries. With the rapid expansion of the market and enterprises, the five major problems that restrict the development of the industry have always been to be solved.

1. The cold chain system has not been built yet

At present, about 85% of China's meat, 77% of its aquatic products, and 95% of its vegetables and fruits are basically transported and sold at room temperature. Only about 12 million tons of fruits and 130 million tons of vegetables rot each year, causing serious economic losses. As far as developed countries are concerned, Canada has formed a complete cold chain logistics system for agricultural products, and the vegetable logistics loss is only 5%. At present, the establishment of China's cold chain system needs strong support from the government.

2. Cold chain facilities are relatively backward

In recent years, China's cold chain infrastructure is growing rapidly, but compared with China's huge population base, the per capita share of resources such as cold storage and refrigerated trucks is still low. Some infrastructure is old and unevenly distributed, which needs to be upgraded. Refrigerated transport is an important part of cold chain logistics. China's cold chain logistics mainly focuses on railway and road transport. As of 2011, there were 645000 railway trucks and 6152 refrigerated trucks in China, accounting for less than 1% of the total number of railway trucks. The number of road refrigerated vehicles is about 50000, accounting for only 0.3% of freight vehicles. From the transportation situation, due to the constraints of China's railway resources and other factors, it is difficult to coordinate railway refrigerated transport and road refrigerated transport, which seriously affects the efficiency of refrigerated transport.

3. The development of cold chain third-party logistics lags behind

At present, the basic situation of the development of third-party cold chain logistics in China is that the third-party logistics enterprises with food production enterprises as the parent and independent third-party logistics companies coexist. Professional third-party cold chain logistics accounts for about 20%, mainly small and medium-sized enterprises, lacking industrial competitiveness. In addition, most perishable food logistics is operated by manufacturers, processors and retailers, which greatly hinders the cost-effectiveness of the cold chain market and the development of third-party cold chain logistics enterprises.
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